Scientific Programme

9.00h - Accreditation

9.30h – Anatomy of the equine hoof (Hoof Explorer)  - Jenny Hagen

10.00h – Equine hoof capsule disorders: diagnosis and treatment - Christine Hinterhofer

10.45hCoffee Break

11.15h – FEEVA presentation - Giorgio Ricardi (FEEVA President)

11.30h – WEVA presentation - Tim Greet (WEVA President's Advisor)

11.45h – The effects of orthopedical horseshoes on equine locomotion - Jenny Hagen

12.30h – Diagnosing foot pain - Miguel Valdés

13.00h – Lunch Break

14.30h – Imaging the equine foot - Rita Fonseca

15.15h – Flexural and angular limb disorders: surgery vs farriery - Tim Greet

16.00h – Coffee Break

16.30h – Surgical management of foot conditions - Tim Greet

17.15h – Minimally invasive surgery of the foot - Miguel Valdés